
Reorganize String

Hash Table, String, Greedy, Sorting, Heap, Counting

Excel Sheet Column Title

Math, String

All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree

Tree, DFS, BFS

Find The Pivot Positions

Array, Greedy, Prefix, Postfix

Find Median From Data Stream

Array, Heaps, Algorithm Design

Remove Duplicated From Sorted Array

Array, Two Pointers

Accounts Merge

Graphs, DFS, BFS

Reverse Node In K-Groups

Linked List

LRU Cache

Doubly Linked List, Hash Table, Algorithm Design

Add Two Numbers

Linked List, Recursions

Copy List With Random Pointer

Linked List, Hash Map

Reorder List

Linked List, Hash Map

Permutation In String

Hash Table, Sliding Window, String, Two Pointers

Longest Repeating Character Replacements

Hash Table, Sliding Window, String

Longest Substring Without Repeated Chars

Array, Sliding Window

Trapping Rain Water

Array, Two Pointers, Dynamic Programming

Container With Most Water

Array, Greedy, Two Pointers

Three Sum

Array, Two Pointers, Sorting

Two Sum - Input Array Is Sorted

Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search

Longest Consecutive Sequence

Array, Hash Set, Union Find

Valid Sudoko

Array, Hash Table, Hash Set

Product Of Array Except Self

Array, Prefix Sum

Top K Frequent Elements

Array, Hash Table, Bucket Sort

Find The K Closest Elements

Array, Two Pointers

Group Anagrams

Array, Hash Table, String, Sorting

Remove Nth Node From The End Of The List

LinkedList, Two Pointers

Number Of Weak Characters In The Game

Array, Greedy, Sorting

Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

DFS, Binary Tree

String From Binary Tree

String, Binary Tree, DFS

Binary Tree Pruning

Binary Tree, DFS

N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal

Tree, BFS

Vertical Order Traversal Of A Binary Tree

Hash Table, Tree, DFS, BFS

Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences

Backtracking, BFS

Average Of Levels In Binary Tree

Tree, DFS, BFS